Saturday, January 27, 2007

I should be studying...of course.

But instead, I am wasting time with my Random Surrealism Generator. Life is better with coffee and things that don't make sense. (Unless, of course, you are being tested on things that don't make sense...and you've been drinking too much coffee and you can't concentrate. Not like I've been there least not more than 4 or 5 times...)

So yes, words of wisdom from the RSG:

Ten deceitful microwaves, hanging on the rottweiler; ten deceitful microwaves, hanging on the rottweiler; and if one deceitful microwave should accidentally enhance a sword, there'd be nine deceitful microwaves, hanging on the rottweiler.

Think about that for a while...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Gee, you knit?

Still one of my favorite punchlines ever...but yes, I do knit. And I can prove it. With pictures.

I like the last picture best even though you can't see much of anything useful :) It's a knit entry into the Craftster Challenge. I'm going to add beads (time for a trip to Byzantium) and see how it turns out. More pictures later...

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

1) Go to the gym at least twice a week. Cardio only for now...I may make a New June's (or New February's or something) resolution to get over my fear of free weights and workout machines...but for now, I'm simply getting over my fear of the gym.

2) Drink more coffee. (Yes, this is a serious resolution.) I now have a one-cup French press, courtesy of my awesome parents, and I need to regain my caffeine tolerance so that I can drink coffee without worrying that I won't be able to sleep for a week afterwards. I <3 my coffee.

3) Finish a sweater. I have two in progess and yarn bought for like 5 more...and I have Kabs as inspiration. (Although you wouldn't know that she's a ridiculously prolific knitter from looking at her blog...ahem.)

4) Get the hell out of Ohio. I've already started working on this, but unfortunately it's not entirely dependent on my efforts. So...I guess that's more of a hope than an actual resolution.

I'm sure that there are more things that I need to do to improve myself (including stop biting my nails, swearing less frequently, and stop procrastinating) but since those things have been on my list for AGES and I'm obviously not that interested in making them happen, I'll stick with stuff that I actually have a shot at. Happy 2007!